Bangkok, Thailand, go and support CMS missionaries John & Gillian Robinson and family who are ministering to the children from the slums of Bangnar Trat at “The Place of Grace” a centre where the children can visit and experience God’s love.
Please contact us for details.
Bangkok, Thailand
Say Hello :)
020 8998 8020
A Place of Grace
A team of three went in in March of this year 2013 and we experienced working with John & Gillian amongst families from the slum community. Bangnar trat is around a one hour taxi ride from the centre of Bangkok and we were centred there at “ The Place of Grace” most days working with the children. This involved different crafts, English classes, games, non-alcoholic bar and just coming alongside the children and youth on a one-one. There is also a baby club that operates on a separate day. It was a brilliant experience seeing what John & Gillian are doing with the families and seeing God’s love in operation.
Get Involved
We plan to take another team the same time in 2014. John and Gillian now have a house they want to use for teams coming near to where they live so the journey from the Centre of Bangkok will not be necessary. The cost of the trip is around £1000-1200 but could be reduced next year due to cheaper accommodation. If you are interested in showing love to the next generation living in the slums of Bangkok please say hello :)